Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Orb

Ever wonder what you would do if you were separated from the main bulk of your army, and you are surrounded by the enemy? well, The Orb is your friend. The Orb is a roman tactic that was used only in emergency. during a time of retreat or if a group of soldiers were separated, they would from a circle in order to defend all their sides, in order to do this, the roman army had to have been extremely disciplined and trustworthy. they had to be disciplined because they would not be able to move or they could risk exposing their nearby friend, and you had to trust the people in your circle because it may not be you who makes the fatale mistake, but you are relying on others to keep your life safe... Good Luck, hope you have good friends!

The Wedge

A key formation used by the romans against the Germans and the Celtics. To achieve the wedge, the roman soldiers would line up in the shape of an arrow head. the head of the arrow would be a single roman solider. then, once in the triangle, they would wedge themselves into the heart of the enemy, forcing the enemy into close hand to hand combat. due to the length of the German and Celtic swords, the romans "Gladius" was a key component of the wedge because it allowed them a lethal weapon in close combat fighting. In modern times, the wedge formation is used in the Air-force in order to separate enemy fighters into one on one dog fights.

The Skirmishing Formation

Created by the romans as a way to defend against Calvary; has been heavily adapted and modified and is still used today as a double shooting formation. The skirmish formation consisted of one front row of soldiers, who put up there shields to create a wall, and a back formation who mounted their spears on the shoulders of the line in front. The line in front would also mount their spears on their shields in order to create a deadly wall. the one weakness was an attack from the flank or the sides because the formation could not completely defend all sides.

The Catapult

One the of the greatest siege engines of all time, the catapult was the destroyer of walls. Known in the ancient world as the wall crusher; The word 'Catapult' comes from the two Greek words "kata" (downward) and "pultos" (a small circular battle shield). the inventor of the catapult was a man known as Hero of Alexandria. the catapult was used in order to hurl boulders or other projectiles large defenses in order to break through enemy defenses bringing with it the era of siege engines.